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Showing posts from June 24, 2018

She Knows How to Make an Exit. You’re Reading It. - The New York Times

In response to  She Knows How to Make an Exit. You’re Reading It. - The New York Times  I wrote the following: Some of the best, most important, most moving pieces I've ever read have been obituaries. Sometimes, it's the moral courage of a Dutchman when asked why he risked his life to save Jews said, paraphrased, "What else could I do?". About others, it is their great ability I admire. Sometimes, it is simply the tenderness that the history instills in me, about someone's love and kindness. However unappreciated you feel, obituaries are one of those columns that resonate with us, that shows us our humanity and our highest aspirations.

Opinion | Dave Eggers: A Cultural Vacuum in Trump’s White House - The New York Times

In response to  Opinion | Dave Eggers: A Cultural Vacuum in Trump’s White House - The New York Times , I wrote the following I've said this many times to myself and confidants, Trump is artless, heartless, and cruel. You can see from his lifestyle, there is no appreciation of art or charity or humanity. He exemplifies America, at its extreme and its worst. America can be characterized, ala Geert Hofstede, by traits such as individualism, short-termism, gender traditionality, indulgence, and organizational flatness. Trump epitomizes these traits, but in the extreme and in a way that seems incredibly destructive. His artlessness, like his personality, epitomizes America the anti-intellectual.