Two responses to the Jay Goltz post in the NYT, The Dirty Little Secret of Successful Companies : Response 1 Pfeffer is a Professor of Organizational Behavior at Stanford GSB. In The Human Equation, he lays out 7 principles of successful companies, two of which are obviously relevant: Selective hiring of new personnel Extensive training The entire list: Employment Security Self-managed teams and decentralized decision making Relatively high compensation contingent on organizational performance Reduced status distinctions Extensive sharing of financial/performance information Response 2 Evaluations can be very arbitrary. In one former position at a major bank, I was rated excellent year after year by various 'handlers'; I was never really managed. Well, a competing bank bought one of the trading desks, and then the management went with them. I was still excellent with the replacement managers, but my most senior supporter was shipped off to Europe to m...
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