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Showing posts from April 10, 2016

Why Luck Matters More Than You Might Think

Responding to an article The Atlantic,  Why Luck Matters More Than You Might Think : First, I am not a major success, but I am looked on others in my family as successful, partially because they know how troubled I was in my youth. Fortune, for me, is a mixture of good and bad, a series of events that changed my life, and along with my intelligence and newfound drive, enabled me to succeed. The complexity of my story, or at least how I tell it, exemplifies the complexity of success. Immediate events, when I was 26 Deciding to quit in series, two horrible, low-end jobs, and the realization that I needed to change my life A struggle to deal with insomnia, which lead to me finding fitness, then vegetarianism, and deciding to go back to school Fitness helped phenomenally me with my horrible insomnia and dysphoria, leaving me mood-free for over 2 years, and to this day has kept me emotionally stable My grandmother dying, leaving me a small amount of money, enough to finish sch...