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Showing posts from August 16, 2015

Productivity: Working Harder for Someone Else's Riches...

A response , to the article  Work Policies May Be Kinder, but Brutal Competition is Not : You were making a point that I had hoped you would complete, that some of us choose to "play in the tournament", and some of us do not. Tough work environments are fine for the people that choose to work in them - that is not true either, because those same environments have ingrained biases - but I imagine most do not choose to be treated inhumanely. People that would choose to have a positive work-life balance, or have priorities outside of work, e.g., sport, charity, friends, will be trampled for the profits of someone else. They will be tracked, harangued, and stressed. I do not welcome the new serfdom-like piece work that technology enables.

The Rise of Phone Reading

A response to The Rise of Phone Reading : Way back when, when the Palm Pilot was ascendant, I would try to read books on my devices, but never found the experience satisfactory, nor did I succeed. It did not help that I was trying to read James Joyce's Ulysses. Now, with a large screen Samsung Note II, or alternatively an iPad, and the Kindle app, I am finishing up on Thomas Pynchon's Mason & Dixon, an equally large and dense work as Ulysses, but an altogether enjoyable experience.