Recently, reading EurekAlert releases, I came across two findings, the first of which I found odd since I assumed the scientific professions required more visualization, not less, while the second conformed to expectations, so did not find surprising: - People with low or no visual imagery are more likely to work in scientific and mathematical industries than creative sectors, according to new research. (Title: Aphantasia clears the way for a scientific career path, UNIVERSITY OF EXETER) - People with low or no visual imagery are more likely to work in scientific and mathematical industries than creative sectors, according to new research. (Title: Aphantasia clears the way for a scientific career path, UNIVERSITY OF EXETER) Contrary to the idea that aphantasia is a hindrance, one study subject "found as a scientific leader that aphantasia helps greatly to assimilate complex information into new ideas and approaches. By understanding concepts vs fact memorization I could lead compl...
musings on life and liberty