Acquiring doesn't feel nearly as good as the thinking and planning that goes into deferred purchases. If all your purchasing is short-term, then you will need a continual refresh on your consumption, and even then, it will often be met with a feeling of loss, as people often overestimate how much pleasure they will derive from something. With items like vacations and purchases, the planning and thinking will give you most of the pleasure, without the downside of the quick rush.
As for pleasure, enjoying the peace and serenity of space and clean can certainly be greater than the enjoyment of purchases. Also, with purchases, there are the downsides of clutter and regret, for bad purchases.
I've never watch Ms. Kond's video, but it is not rocket science; keeping things clean does not take much:
- Don't buy what you don't need, and in this case, love.
- Generally, upgrade your items with better, rather than accumulating more items
- Make regular purges, giving away or selling old items
- Enjoy the space, the openness, the serenity, that comes from avoiding clutter and consumption
@L Wolf - I still buy books, but usually after I finish them, and for anything I do buy before, I am certain I will finish. I still love books. They have meaning for me, certainly extensions of my self, so after reading something, and I would not have chosen to read it if it was not important in some way, I purchase it and put in on the shelves. Also, there is a beauty to books, in that they give space nuance, at least for me.
@L Wolf - I still buy books, but usually after I finish them, and for anything I do buy before, I am certain I will finish. I still love books. They have meaning for me, certainly extensions of my self, so after reading something, and I would not have chosen to read it if it was not important in some way, I purchase it and put in on the shelves. Also, there is a beauty to books, in that they give space nuance, at least for me.