#1 Honestly, the most important aspect is not purchasing bad items in the first place, but eventually, even well thought out purchases need replacement. For decades, I've followed the rule that one person's junk is another's treasure, particularly considering our very unequal world in NYC, at one time using Freecycle to give away items, eventually finding it easier to use Craigslist. For the most part, it has worked out well but depends on the item, but almost always, there are takers. If it is electronics, there are often way too many people, so I follow a triage system. First, the ad, always with a good description and picture, requires specifying they supply a reason they need this item. It is not to be lurid or cruel, but if I am giving away an old computer, I need to know that it is going to a good cause. Yes, I could be fooled, but I try to be discerning, children, poor, disabled, etc. If there is no reason, it gets ignored. If it is simply for selfish reasons - ...